Blog (workarounds: avoid ', use '&apos' instead)



Apple built their legacy on top of MacOS desktop operating system (AKA OSX), but more recently have become the dominant player in the mobile device market with their mobile phone, tablets, and AppleTV products that are built on top of iOS.  Developing application for either MacOS or iOS is best done using Apple's Xcode development tools, which are free and run on MacOs.

Mac Ports


Mac Ports is an alternative to brew for bringing over popular open source tools from Linux to MacOS.  It's much lighter weight, keeps all tools in /opt separate from Apple's tools, and can be operated completely from the command line.  Also, it seems to support a variety of common Linux tools recently dropped from Xcode as of Sierra (e.g. rcs).

$ which rcs


$ ls -lh /usr/local/bin/rcs

  lrwxr-xr-x rickatech admin 29B Feb 26 2018 /usr/local/bin/rcs -> ../Cellar/rcs/5.9.4_1/bin/rcs

  [ before High Sierra ] 

- - - - - - -

$ port version

  Version: 2.5.3

$ sudo port selfupdate

  --->  Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync
  MacPorts base version 2.5.3 installed,
  MacPorts base version 2.5.3 downloaded.
  --->  Updating the ports tree
  --->  MacPorts base is already the latest version

  The ports tree has been updated. To upgrade your installed ports, you should run
  port upgrade outdated

$ sudo port upgrade outdated

  Nothing to upgrade.

$ port search rcs

  rcs @5.9.4_1 (devel)
  Revision Control System

$ sudo port install rcs


$ which rcs


$ rcsdiff notes.txt

  RCS file: RCS/notes.txt,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  diff -r1.1 notes.txt 

Image Rotation

Command Line - sips (lossy)

$ sips -r 270 DSC00013.JPG --out DSC00013r.JPG 

  <CGColor 0x10fff0> [<CGColorSpace 0xa01bddc0>
  (kCGColorSpaceDeviceRGB)] ( 0 0 0 1 )

Freeware Cheese (lossless)

Command Line CVS / RCS

Apple includes command line CVS / RCS with Xcode from Apple.  Download the latest relevent Xcode installer for your version of OS X.  Do the bare minimum install.  This will place CVS and and RCS commands typically in the /Developer/usr/bin directory.  From a shell, attempt to run cvs, if it can't be found then create/modify .profile for you login accordingly.

$ cd ~

$ cat .profile

  export PATH=$PATH:/Developer/usr/bin 



Alas, MacCvsX (based in part on the WinCvs GUI client), seems to no longer be supported natively by OS X 10.6 .  Instead a prompt to enable Roseta emulation occurs, which indicated old PowerPC code has been detected.  Still, if you don't mind running in emulation mode MacCvsX will launch but seems to be highly unstable.  Perhaps an updated MacCvsX version will surface soon that runs directly and is more stable.

Miscellaneous Command Line Tips

$ sw_vers

  ProductName: Mac OS X
  ProductVersion: 10.6.8
  BuildVersion: 10K549 

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