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<p style="margin: 0;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Notable Elsewhere</span> [ <a href=>edit</a> ] </p> <ul style="margin-top: 0px;"> <li><a class=exref href=>Whoosh</a>, safely clean <br>computer screen <li>stackoverflow: <br><a class=exref href=>flock vs lockf</a> <br>and NFS <li>NoSQL Comparison <br>Kristof Kovacs: <br><a class=exref href=>Cassandra <br>vs MongoDB <br>vs CouchDB vs ... <br>vs ElasticSearch</a> <li> <br><a class=exref href=>AdSense Alternatives</a> <li>Web Design <br>from scratch: <br><a class=exref href=>Human check <br>no CAPTCHA</a> <li><a class=exref href=>Measure Everything</a></i>, <br>Etsy/Code as Craft <li><i><a href=>AIX</a></i>, common <br>Linux packages</li> <li><i><a href=>LVS</a></i> <li><i><a href=>Xen</a></i> <li><a class=exref href=>MySQL <br>Master / Slave</i> setup <li><i><a href=>memcached</a></i> and <br><a class=exref href=>CentOS 5.0</a> <li><a class=exref href=>Oracle XE</A></li> </ul> <p style="margin: 0;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Elsewhere</span> </p> <ul style="margin-top: 0px;"> <li>Medium: <a class=exref href=>Intellectual Property Explained</a> <li>Search Engines that are <i><a href=>Not Google</a></i> <li>facebook: <a class=exref href=>site sharing tips</a>, <a class=exref href=>debug</a> <LI><I><A HREF=>client relationships</A></I> <li><i><a href=>What Is My IP</a></i> <li><a class=exref href=>Band</a><a class=exref href=>width</a> <a class=exref HREF=href=>Test</A><a class=exref HREF=>ing</A> <LI>Network and System Monitoring<UL> <li>Proxy Detection: <a href=></a>, <!-- 202204 --> <a href=></a><!-- 202204 --> <li>LexiConn: <a class=exref href=>Why No padlock?</a> <li>Qualys: <a class=exref href=>SSL Report</a> <LI><i><A HREF=>WebSitePulse</A></i> <LI><i><A HREF=>Nagios</A></i> <LI><i><A HREF=>Shields UP!</A></i> </UL> <li><a class=exref href=>WEBPAGETEST</a> <LI><I><A HREF=></A></I> <LI><I><A HREF=><I>Meyer</I></A>'s gonzo CSS pages</I> <LI><I><A HREF=></A> <NOBR>CSS ways to avoid FONT tag</NOBR></I> <LI>stackoverflow: <A class=exref HREF=>Browsers' default CSS</A> <LI><A class=exref HREF=>HTML Code Tutorial</A> </UL></DL>